Furry stuff


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Hi, I am really new at this and i need some help!!! I am still finding out how to post right. I have a 30 gallon tank and a problem. I don't have a testing kit yet but i plan to get one in the next day or so. My problem is that a white furry fungs or something growing around food flakes. It hasen't killed any fish yet but i am sure it will. I have 4 barbs, 2 tin foils, and a sucker fish. PLEASE ME!!!!!
Hi Big_Angry_Apu :)

I moved your post and started a new thread for you so people will see it and help you. :)

The furry stuff around the food is mold and you can just siphon it out or get it out with a net. But, the fact that it is getting that way is something to consider. This happens when there is uneaten food in the tank and is bad because it feeds the bacteria that can make your fish sick. Try watching your fish and feeding only what they can actually eat in a few minutes time.

Do you know about cycling a tank? Here is a link that will give you information about that, just in case:


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