Furry Blue Lobster


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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theres furry around my blue lobsters claws and face it does seem very much like a fungi
i was just wondering if this is normal and will it do him arm if hes not treated
I suspect that you have a yabby, which is a crayfish and not a lobster.

Taken from http://www.fisheries.nsw.gov.au/aquacultur...reshwater_yabby
All Australian crayfishes examined so far have proved susceptable to the plague fungus Aphanomyces, which entered Europe last century (apparently carried by plague-resistant crayfish introduced from the United States) and which has since devastated stocks of the native European crayfish. The plague reached Britain in 1986 and had made massive inroads into the native crayfish populations by 1989.

doing a further search on Aphanomyces didn't reveal any way of combating it.
a few places suggest that it will eventually lead to the infected animal dieing of osmotic shock

not good news, but HTH.
I've got a couple and they both have this furryness, I don't believe it's a problem, they've had it for ages and it's never seemed to effect them. I asked the person I got them off and he said his get it and at times he uses something called sera marinvit plus to remove it, but it works out quite expensive and it doesn't seem to be neccessary. You have to add it twice a week, 5ml for every 10 gallons, my tanks a 40 gallon so thats 40ml a week, you get 100ml in a bottle and it costs £5.50! Heres a pic of my yabbie in case you're wondering.

My cray fish is the same; I don't try to remove it; as far as I can see it is not a problem.

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