'furrry' Torpedo Barb


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
Tank size:4 ft x 12'' x 15''
ammonia: unknown
tank temp:25

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Fish looks alomost 'furry' from a distance, but when looked at up close it appears that his scales are lifting from his body. He is staying near an ornament in the tank. Din;t notice this yesterday.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
20% weekly/two weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Fine gravel and biorb style volcano stones. Safe Gurad and Safe water used when water changing, recommended doses.

Tank inhabitants:
2 rainbow shark
15 neon tetra
2 Zebra barb
2 Torpedo Barb (one of which is poorly fish, other looks completely fine)
2 Green tiger barb
4 cherry barb
3 Pearl Danio
2 Zebra Danio
1 Ancistrus
2 Shrimp
1 Head and Tail light tetra
1 Cardinal Tetra
1 apple snail

All other fish are nornla, swimming and eating as usual.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:
Right, If its furry then it could be velvet - get some appropriate medication

If its scales are porcupined then it could be dropsy, which in most cases is terminal, if it is dropsy remove him/her from the main tank immediately, as the worst thing is he bursts and the toxins spread into your tank water infecting the rest of your tank. Get some medication and cross your fingers.
The scales are definately risen up, there isn't any actual fur, but at a glance it does look furry because the scales are not lying smooth. If I remove this torpedo should I treat the rest of the tank, and if so what do you recommend? How did this fish get like this if all the others are so healthy?
No he is not flicking, but I'm taking hom out right now! I've just read those links above, thankyou.
Ok, good luck and fingers crossed.

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