Funy shaped tank


New Member
Aug 14, 2004
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I have probably a very silly question;- I'm a total novice to fishkeeping but wanted to fit a tank in the only spare space I have.

Unfortunately it is a very weird shaped space.

The tank woudl be only 5 inches high but five feet wide (horizontal) and about 6-8" deep (front to back). Thus a long low trench afair It would have to fit on a shelf above a radiator too. So is the 5" height not advisable? I would fit a lid of course and the water level could go right up to the top almost.

OK I suppose I will be told it's a mad idea, but I have to ask as it's the only way I can get a tank in the space I have.

Also, what adhesive do you use to seal/cement the glass if I made my own tank?

Thanks a lot.
The main problem I can see is that your placing it above a radiator. You will probably find that the temperature of the tank will increase and decrease dramatically throughout the day. Which is not very good for the fishes.

Other than that im sure there are fish out there that could be put in your tank. It would appear that there would be plenty of surface area for oxygen exchange so that shouldn't be a problem.

So the only thing you might have a problem with is the placing of it above a radiator. You would probably need two filters one at each end but, so long as you keep small fish in it, i think it would be ok.

I'd go for any of these types,

Barbs, Tetras, Rasboras, Small Catfish etc.

Being above a rad is definately an issue! Other than that......I've seen a long, not very tall tank setup as a fast flowing river bed with a couple of power heads at one looked amazing. Not sure what fish would be suited to this though. Would have to do some research.

How about making it into like a beach affect to have some red claw crabs in it, you could build up one end with rocks/sand/gravel to make a beach for the crabs to molt on, and with that length, maybe put minnows in there, somehting fast and small to dodge the crabs!!.
Thanks friends for the interesting suggestions.

Will dwell on them and consider what to do. Rest assured I will report back when I do.


Have you considered the weight issue?

You would be surprised how much a tank like that full of water gravel wood etc. would weigh. And on a shelf :unsure: :crazy: I hope its got industrial strength :lol:
Yes a good point about the weight. I had considered it though and have two strong wooden 'legs' which would be proud of the radiator to support the shelf as well as using three strong brackets - I hope!

I still don't know how to 'glue' the glass sections together though. No one replied to that part. is it some kind of resin mixture?


If it was possible to set up, it would make a great home for some mud skippers. They don't need deep water, and they also need a slope to enable to "rest" out of the water.
Mudskippers! They look great. Love their eyes. Must try get some then.

Are they available in the UK? As I say I am a complete novice here :-(

Thanks for the 'glue' tip.

I've seen them in shirley aquatics in the midlands!

One point to consider though......mudskippers have a habbit of jumping to get up the bank they require in their habitat. Not sure how big these jumps are......maybe the low height of this tank would be good for them? I'd try a bit of research first.

Hi Chew.

I read they can jump very high (and long). So obviously would have to fit some sort of 'cushioning mesh' in the tank lid if I went ahead.

Thanks for the source tip. I haven't found a supplier yet. Will e-mail Swallow Aquatics too shortly.

Thanks to all.

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