Funny Question But......


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I've seen a ton of awesome tank setups on the forums now. ones that are just filled with live plants and they look great. id love to have something like this. my question is though. when your tank is filled to the max with plants and bogwood, rocks, all that good stuff...what do you do when your fish die?? how in the world do you get em outta there? I had one die on me today and i thought to myself its hard enough gettin em out with hardly anything in the tank....

so how? :blink:
they serve as fertilizer to the plants.

no idea..
never really thought about it to be honest.

there is sometimes ive known a fish has died but not been able to get to its body (yellow lab died amongst all my rock scaping).

never saw the body or anything, jus never saw the fish again.
well if its a floter you take it out

but every water change i stir the water and that seems to get everthing out into the open waters

then i just suck in vacume


having shrimp is good to take care of dead bodies that are unfound ....

I had a Molly die recently. The body was right at the back under my Juwel filter box :/ The body did not disintegrate (didn't have time, I got it out asap) and the other fish didn't eat it. :rip:

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