funny platy behaviour


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
erk :blink: 1 of my male platies is swimming around with his top fin erect and fanned out. Never seen him do this before (or any of the others) and wondered if it was something to be concerned about. Was able to watch him for 20 as the lights came today and he was like it all that time. He ate ok though. Water parameters are ok - nitrIte = 0, nitrAte = 40/50

I did a 20% water change last night and he was fine then if that matters at all.

Is this what I hear refered to as clamped fins???

Please help :/
From your description I'll wager that's actually a good sign. Erect and fully opened fins are a sign of good health. Clamped fins are the opposite, when a fish holds its fins tightly against its body such that you can't see them.

If anything, I bet your platy is happy because of the good water conditions and the recent water change!

What's the level of nitrates in your tap water, by the way?
Dunno Sinistral. Never tested my tap water. tastes good though - hard as nails!!

Will have to restock on test kits - only one dip test left now. Will measure tonight.

Thanks for the reply though - going to have a happier afternoon at work now :lol: :lol: :lol:

:crazy: .......boss alert!!

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