Funny fish


Fish Crazy
May 30, 2023
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Anyone else notice their fish doing silly things?

My tiger endlers hold drag races up and down one corner of the tank. They drop in and out of the races throughout the day with highest attendance in the evenings. Their yellow and black racing stripes add to the NASCAR theme (no-ads). IMG_3358.jpegIMG_3238.jpegIMG_3020.jpeg
Absolutely stunning little didn't announce the champion so I'll assume the races are still ongoing...
Absolutely stunning little didn't announce the champion so I'll assume the races are still ongoing...
Longest running NASCAR ever.
It's their colours that make them do that. I bet if you had a red one it would go faster than the others :)

Make a video to show us
I will try but I’m a little challenged trying to capture them on camera between the reflections and camera focusing on irrelevant objects.
It's their colours that make them do that. I bet if you had a red one it would go faster than the others :)

Make a video to show us
Actuuaalllyy…the “love children” with red in them ARE a lot faster. How did you know? They are just more likely to street race horizontally and stay off the track, probably because they don’t have the proper racing stripes for entry.
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they are glass surfing
So it’s a thing. Thanks for the term so I could look it up. Explains why they usually do it when I’m sitting next to the tank. I kept waiting for them to start so I could get a video and it wasn’t until I sat down there that the races started. Maybe they’re hoping for extra treats if they get my attention. I was disappointed earlier that I had nothing to catch on video, but now I know that’s a good thing, that it is probably not out of stress or extreme boredom.

Their personalities are interesting. At least one of the rasboras seem to be watching me at any given time. The oto is shy- one time he was minding his own business and caught me watching him, startled and bolted to a hiding place. He’s bolder now but it was such a human reaction. The cherry barbs will tell me if something is wrong, one time the filter wasn’t running and the whole group of them was by the glass staring at me. I am amazed that they seem to understand I fix water problems. I would have expected them to only know that I invade their space and disrupt the environment.

One time I had a betta get caught in the skimmer during a water change. I was looking for him and finally found him, exhausted and weak, and got him back in the water. One of the rasboras stayed right there with him for ages as he regained his strength, as if she was giving moral support and encouraging him. A fish with empathy.
Glass surfing is common in new fish that are exploring their tank, and is also seen in really clean tanks. The fish can't work out what glass is because it's clear and they move over it to try and work out why they can't get past the invisible wall. They usually settle down after a few weeks. They can also do it for food. They see their owner coming and start trying to get your attention (feed me).
Glass surfing is common in new fish that are exploring their tank, and is also seen in really clean tanks. The fish can't work out what glass is because it's clear and they move over it to try and work out why they can't get past the invisible wall. They usually settle down after a few weeks. They can also do it for food. They see their owner coming and start trying to get your attention (feed me).
Do you mean they want to cross over the glass come swim to the couch with me? How sweet. There are several bachelors that came over with the great tilapia pond rescue, so they never knew glass. I much prefer it be that or food seeking than pacing in misery. That could also be why they are doing it less throughout the day, just at peak times, as they may be getting more settled.
Yes, when new fish enter a new tank, they can glass surf. But also settled fish can do that but still nothing to be worried about.

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