Funny Corydoras


Fish Fanatic
Mar 3, 2008
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Started stocking my new fully cycled tank yesterday with 6 x Corydoras Julii, 6 x Guppy and 2 x Pearl Gouramie. As vibrant and colourful as the Guppies any Gouramies are it's the Cory's that seem to be the star's of the tank.

They're flitting about all over the place, happily exploring their new home and there's one that loves to play in the currents caused by the spray bar (only have it set to a low pressure), watched him doing it for about 20 minutes this morning and he really looked like he was enjoying himself. There's another one who seems to be completely fascinated by his reflection in the side of the tank and sits there just staring at himself for about 5 minutes before dashing off to have a rummage around for food and then coming back to almost the exact same spot again. This one will also come to the side of the tank and seems to watch whatever I'm doing while I'm in the room.

I guess I would just like some reassurance that this is normal behaviour for the Cory's because I wasn't expecting them to be quite so lively.
Like with most fish the number you have is key to how they will act,
Luckily for them you have brought a good sized group and so you are seeing them at their best, lively and inquisitive,

unfortunately some people will just buy the odd one or two and then lose interest in them when they just hide all the time
Like with most fish the number you have is key to how they will act,
Luckily for them you have brought a good sized group and so you are seeing them at their best, lively and inquisitive,

unfortunately some people will just buy the odd one or two and then lose interest in them when they just hide all the time

Thanks for the quick response. I don't believe in buying things, especially pets, without first doing at least minimum research on them so I knew that they need to be in groups, I just wasn't sure on the size of the group. I decided on 6 because everything I read said that they do best when kept in groups of at least 4 so I figured get 2 more to be on the safe side.

I guess, being new to all this, I was just looking for reassurance that I had done the right thing and you've given me that, so thank you.
You're doing fine Kharma. The cories are acting fun and inquisitive because they are in a good situation for them. I like even larger groups because things like the waterslide game end up being adopted by many of them if there are 10 or more. Then they start playing follow the leader and using things like the filter flow.

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