Fish Fanatic
Yesterday my baby bristlenose moved out of quarantine in to the big tank. I expected him to go hide behind a piece of wood, but actually he has been busy cleaning the glass to a shine and generally doing a tour of the tank. Not at all shy, and a very active littleguy. Actually I have no idea if he is male or female, so I'm sticking with he for now.
However, he does do something a bit funny... I have an airstone clipped on to the side of the tank, about four inches below the surface of the water, just for a bit of extra surface movement at that end. The BN likes to suck on to the glass right at the surface but right above the airstone, in the full flow of the bubbles. Sometimes he goes a bit higher so he is almost completely out of the water with the water just washing over him. Is this a sign that he needs more oxygen, or is otherwse unwell, or does he just like the jacuzzi effect?
He also likes sitting on the glass right opposite the filter output, being pummelled byt he waves - just a preference from natural conditions in the wild? My LFS receipt does say he was wild, but I'm not sure how accurate that is...
OK, only one more question, I've been looking at the discussions on feeding veggies - cucumber, courgette, lettuce etc - is a bit of butternut squash OK? If so, shoudl it be blanched/steamed a bit first? He's already growing, but I'm sure he would like a bit of veggie mix-up to keep it interesting.
Glad to see so many people enthusiastic about their plecs, and some beautiful pictures you have all put up too
However, he does do something a bit funny... I have an airstone clipped on to the side of the tank, about four inches below the surface of the water, just for a bit of extra surface movement at that end. The BN likes to suck on to the glass right at the surface but right above the airstone, in the full flow of the bubbles. Sometimes he goes a bit higher so he is almost completely out of the water with the water just washing over him. Is this a sign that he needs more oxygen, or is otherwse unwell, or does he just like the jacuzzi effect?
He also likes sitting on the glass right opposite the filter output, being pummelled byt he waves - just a preference from natural conditions in the wild? My LFS receipt does say he was wild, but I'm not sure how accurate that is...
OK, only one more question, I've been looking at the discussions on feeding veggies - cucumber, courgette, lettuce etc - is a bit of butternut squash OK? If so, shoudl it be blanched/steamed a bit first? He's already growing, but I'm sure he would like a bit of veggie mix-up to keep it interesting.
Glad to see so many people enthusiastic about their plecs, and some beautiful pictures you have all put up too