

New Member
Oct 20, 2004
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Wondering if anyone can help not been on the site for a while but know there must be someone who can help. I set up a new tank about 10 weeks ago put in gravel, some nice bog wood, planted it up, water all fine. Couple of weeks after setting up one of the plants went mushy :sick: and grew some fungus over it. I removed this plant but some of the fungus is now growing on my log tried to wash off using tap water and a scourer placed back in tank all seemed well. Now it has started growing again. :sad:
Does anyone have any ideas to get rid this pesky fungus? :D
Try soaking the wood in boiling water for a few hrs , this should kill off any spores in the wood.
sorry to hear about the fungus on your log . i also had this problem a while back and a quick trip to the doctors put this right :D
First of all how big is the tank for a 20 galoon id suggest a pleco for a 10 to 15 gallon id suggest a ruby shark our a brisle nose pleco there quite smaller and wont grow more than 4 inches at the max even if you grow it in a 1000 gallon aquiarium note they will only grow 2 to 3 inches max in a 10to20 gallon tank :fish:

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