Fungus ''spot''

Aug 29, 2005
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OK... I gave a betta to my sister (she's 23) and uhh she was horrible at taking care of it.. somehow she burned it when she was doing a water change and it almost died... its whole tail rotted away, and it's not going to grow back as it rotted right into it's body (there's no tail follicle left <if that makes sense)... Somehow I kept the little bugger alive, and it had been doing well for quite awhile, but today I noticed a fungus ''spot'' on one of it's ventral fins.. it's a little round patch at the very bottom if its ventral... It's in a 1g tank with no filtration.. I put in a few spoonfuls of salt, and added some pimafix.. I'm wondering if I should just cut off the little piece of fungused fin.. I think I've heard of people doing similar things before, but I'm not a big betta person so I don't want to kill the poor bugger it's been through enough..

It will probably survive if I keep medicating it, I just figured I would see if anyone knew if snippin a piece of fin was a possibility if it doesn't go away..

Thanks :thumbs: B) :thumbs:
It'll probably go away with meds and TLC, but yes, if all else fails snipping it is an option. Someone else will post telling you the proper way to go about it, I'm sure. :)
I added a bunch of salt and pimafix yesterday, and it is gone today.. The white ''tuft'' is gone, the ventral just has a dark color to it where the fungus was... I'm going to do a water change tomorrow, add more pimafix, then another water change 2 days later and that should be it. It didn't stop eating so I was pretty sure it would end up being fine, just glad to see it went away quickly.

Thanks for the replies :thumbs: ;) :thumbs:
eeeep the fuzz went away, but I noticed today a bunch of its tail/body has rotted away... hes still eating.. hopefully he will pull through.. more meds today, water changes the next few days with meds... poor little sucker

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