This is a continuation of my last thread here . I moved him to my 15 gal quarantine tank. This tank is about the same volume as the one I took him out of but it is twice as long(24"), and not as high. He seems much more relaxed and now I can get a real good look at him. His white spots appear to be fungal or possibly bacterial. I'm thinking he was too stressed in the smaller tank and hurt himself on the decor. Then his wounds got infected. Now with him being a amphibian I'm wondering what meds are safe to use with this guy and if it is ok to add salt to the water?
I found a site that has a list of medications that are safe to use with axolotls here. Does anyone know if these would be safe to use on the rubber eel (caecilian) as well?
Sorry I'm no help with the medications, but may I suggest you switch to sand? If they bury in that gravel a lot, that's possibly where the injuries are coming from, I've seen this happen once with them once before at the lfs I work at (either that or a plec that did the damage) .
If I remember correctly, in the wild they bury in mud, fine sand would be a good alternative .
The 55gal he will eventually go in has the exact same gravel in it. The other one that has been in there for a few weeks does not see to have a problem with the gravel. I would like to switch to sand but i'm going of to collage in a year and the tank is already hard enough to clean with gravel, but when I do go to collage these guys will get there own 20gal long with sand .
Since I haven't go a reply for the medication i'm thinking of using primafix or melafix in low doses and see how it works. If that does not work I will probably use mardel or furan 2. I am hoping it is just fungal but it could also be Columnaris .