Fungus on Plec


New Member
Mar 28, 2004
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Hi peeps

I have been away for a couple of months and left my fish with my sister. She has done a sterling job btw.

However my Plec have developed a fungus on the top part of his mouth, This appeared earlier in the year but dissapeared, but has returned -_-

I treated my tank to an anti white spot/fungus back then which i presumed did the trick. but this looks rather serious, your advise please....

I will try to get a less blurred piccy :/
what size is he? and what size tank is he in?

Larger plecs can start hitting the glass and or decorations and injure their 'nose' - this then can get infected (and ends up looking like yours).

My mum and dads first plec in their 30" tank had this problem - untill it went to a new home. then I got them to re home their next one before the problems started.

My Tank is 32" long x 16" front/back x 20" tall = 167.80 ltrs or Gallons 44.30

Plec is 6" long.

Is the tank to small for him now? he was 1" long when i bought him.
YOu wont be able to keem him for a lot longer (say 8" or bigger) but it dosnt look like that'll be the problem you've got :dunno:
Ive had him about 14 months now, do you think he has done all his growing? (1" when i bought him)

Also can you reccomend a treatment?

I have 3 corys,
1 red tail shark
3 clown louch
6 tiger barbs
4 danio's
6 cardinal tetra's

Do i put him in a nursery tank (i have a spare tank, 20 gals) or just treat the main tank? rest of my fish are fine.
I'd treat the main tank in these surcumstances.
We use eSha products so i'd recommend their anti fungus and bacterial treatment.

Right i went to my local aquarium shop on Monday, armed with some piccy's of me Plec. They suggested 'Melafix' started the treatment striaght away, and already he looks much better.......... after only 2 days!!! Really he does the fungus looks a lot less 'angry' if you know what i mean.

Anyho i have one concern and thats the smell, my is it strong. i have treated as stated on the bottle 20ml for every 40 ltrs. (continue for 7 days!) then change 25% of water after 10 days.

It just smells so....cliniqual (spelling :( ) but then it is medician so it should right?!

My friend had a similar fungus developing on his plec. I segregated it for him in a container and didnt feed him much, kept the water clean and treated him with a general medication. It cleared up within a couple of weeks. I would put it down to him rasping on the bottom for food where there is moulding or decomposing fish waste and food. If there was a slight cut on the plec's mouth where he has been grasing stones etc then this becomes infected and thus fungus starts forming around it.

Just my 2p.


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