Fungus On Goldfish :s


New Member
Mar 9, 2008
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Our goldfish has a patch of fungus growing above his mouth we have been treating his water with medication for about 2 weeks but there has been no improvement . if anything it is getting bigger
Also he has blacky brown patches (not raised) on a few of his fins.This happened before in different places but then they just went away . Any idea what it could be ?? :unsure:
we are using King british fin rot and fungus control

I dont know what state the water is in atm we have run out of test sticks and will be getting more soon.
The water looks fine and clear tho
If the fish has a fungus like growth eating away at its mouth, then it sounds like the fish has Mouth Rot a.k.a Columnaris of the mouth, which is a bacterial rather than fungal disease, so you need to use a good anti bacterial med to treat the fish :nod: .

Mouth rot often comes about though because the fish is experiencing or recently experienced some sort of stress in the tank. The paper test stick water quality kits are not very accurate- the liquid water quality test kits which use tablets and test tubes are generally much better/more accurate, so i would advise using these instead (they also tend to last longer too); you need to test the tank for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph in particular- even if the water looks clear, it can still be bad as toxins like ammonia and nitrites are invisible to the naked eye and the only way you can know for sure if they are present or not is to test the water :nod: .

How many gallons/liters is the tank as well (if you don't know can you post the tanks measurements instead)? Do you know what particular variety goldfish you have? How often do you do things like water changes and how much water do you take out on average plus do other tank maintanence stuff like cleaning the substrate etc? Is the tank filtered and how much do you feed the fish and how often on average? How large/long is the fish at current and do you use dechlorinator/water conditioner to remove chlorine from tap water etc :) ? More info on your situation would be very helpful in figuring out the best course of treatment for the fish and how to prevent it falling ill again in the future :nod: .

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