Just an update on Thistle:
Despite the salt, the primafix and melafix that was being used in the hosptial tank for her, she's developed a fungus on the wound on her back. >.< I was checking the water stats every other day and doing 25% - 75% water changes each day to keep her water clean since there's no filter on that tank... Good news is the wound is about 2/3rds of the size it was to start with, so it is healing, if slowly. Bad news is, fish still isn't eating... I've tried broken up pieces of their normal pellets (My version of mini-pellets XD) some frozen brine shimp that had been thawed first... some Bloodworm... She'll pick at it a little, but spits it back out. Good news is she's swimming better, and her fins are starting to grow back... *Sigh*
Despite the salt, the primafix and melafix that was being used in the hosptial tank for her, she's developed a fungus on the wound on her back. >.< I was checking the water stats every other day and doing 25% - 75% water changes each day to keep her water clean since there's no filter on that tank... Good news is the wound is about 2/3rds of the size it was to start with, so it is healing, if slowly. Bad news is, fish still isn't eating... I've tried broken up pieces of their normal pellets (My version of mini-pellets XD) some frozen brine shimp that had been thawed first... some Bloodworm... She'll pick at it a little, but spits it back out. Good news is she's swimming better, and her fins are starting to grow back... *Sigh*