Fungus On Beat Up Girl >.<


Mar 8, 2006
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Just an update on Thistle:

Despite the salt, the primafix and melafix that was being used in the hosptial tank for her, she's developed a fungus on the wound on her back. >.< I was checking the water stats every other day and doing 25% - 75% water changes each day to keep her water clean since there's no filter on that tank... Good news is the wound is about 2/3rds of the size it was to start with, so it is healing, if slowly. Bad news is, fish still isn't eating... I've tried broken up pieces of their normal pellets (My version of mini-pellets XD) some frozen brine shimp that had been thawed first... some Bloodworm... She'll pick at it a little, but spits it back out. Good news is she's swimming better, and her fins are starting to grow back... *Sigh*
I would start using tetracycline if she in issolation.
Does the fungus run along the back coming down the sides to form a saddle look.
No, its just on the top where the wound was/is. If I can't get Tetra what are some other good anti-fungal medicines besides Primafix, which obviously isn't working too well at the moment?
If its a wound with fungus growing on it you need a bacterial med like, maracyn one and two.

Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for gram-positive bacterial infections. For infections of columnaris (body fungus), fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, and secondary infections.
Active ingredient: Erythromycin.

Manufacturer: Mardel
A broad-spectrum antibiotic for internal or external gram negative bacterial infections which can even be absorbed through the skin. Effective treatment of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy (swollen body, protruding scales), septicemia (bleeding or red streaks on the body), secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat.
Active ingredient: Mincycline hydrochlor.
okay, I'll pick some of that up tonight and give it a try... should I do a 100% water change to get the Primafix and Melafix out of the water before using it?
Yes a water change to get the meds out, good luck.
Well, I got the meds, and a 50 cents plastic shoe box from walmart thats a gallon and a half, then I crunched the nunbers and figured that since 1 tab of Macaryn = 10 gallons, half tab = 5, 1/4th = 2.5 and 1/8th = 1.25 :hey: And for the macaryn 2 it says 2 tablets first day, so 1/4th for first day then 1/8th for the next 4 days. I spent the day at work all wondering and stuff, and to my delight, I finally got her to eat some soaked Freeze dried bloodworms. And she's being more active, so I think its helping. :D I was worried because she hadn't eaten anything since it happened, not even thawed brine shrimp :huh: Still no interest in her normal pellets or some Micro-pellets I bought, but I'll see if she wants some shrimp tommarrow. anyways, I'll keep you all updated... only 1 Question

In the directions it says to not change the water... I'm guessing so a higher concentration of the drug can build up in the water? The surface of her water looks like it needs skimming almost, so I was wondering if just taking the fishnet along the top would be okay?

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