Fungus Killed One


New Member
Nov 6, 2005
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I bought 7 tetras about a week ago. One died straight away.

After a couple of days I noticed one hiding and spotted it had fungus (i think it s fungus)
Its like lots of spores about 1/2cm long and it looks white & fluffy. I put him in my hospital tank and treated with King British fin rot and fungus control. After 5 days the fungus was all around his head and he's just died.

At least 2 of the others have definite white mouths and one has a patch underneath its body.

Is this all likely to be the same fungus that killedthe other one?
Am I treating with the right stuff?
Should I try and take the infected one out? And will the hospital tank be safe orwill it be infected with fungus now?

ammonia 0 nitrie 0 nitrate 5 pH 7.4
other fish 5 leopard danios 3 guppies.
Body Fungus is just that, fungus. It will attack your fish's skin and cause ulcers or death in extreme cases. Large amounts of organic materials such as decaying food or fish waste can cause a breakout of fungus in your aquarium. Open wounds can develop fungus. The fungi feeds by excreting digestive enzymes which if it’s on the fish, slowly digests parts of the fish. Though cured easily, if the fish doesn't get prompt treatment it will surely die. Secondary infections are also common.
The symptoms are White or grayish patches appear on the skin or gills that look like cotton or wool.
Try using Protozin.
thanks bigc

Ill try and get some today.

Is there any point me trying to take the infected fish out of my main tank an putting them in the hospital tank?

Will the hospital tank be ok or will it need emptying and cleaning before putting anymore fish in it?
No point whatsoever your just infecting another tank the Protozin will help clear up any secondry infections so keep everything in the one tank which effectivlely has become a hospital tank. When all done do a weekly water change of abour 1/4 of your tank and replenish with fresh water. This is easily done using a 2 gallon plastic bucket and measuring jug. You can use Stresscoat or Tetra Aquasafe at this time. Water changes go a long way to eleaviating any problems associated with the build up of waste products within the aquarium.
P.S. follow the Mfg. instructions when using medications.
Ive used this and it successfully got rid of fungus after 6th day.
Have been and got a big bottle of protozin (will be prepared next time) and given 1 st treatment.

Thanks for the advice.

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