Fungus Just Isn't Clearly Up...


Apr 26, 2011
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Hi guys, I need some advice.
I was just about to move on the majority of my fish to a new owner as I have a rather ecclectic mix of fish in my tank at the moment. Some are from my current stocking others from previous stocking/tanks. The day before I was due to give them away in order to start from scratch I noticed that one of my red-eye tetras had a slightly white fluffy growth on top of it's head. I identified this straight away as a fungal infection. However, I was already treating the tank with myaxzin as another fish had fin damage due to catching it on some wood. Because of this, I couldn't use my fungal medication Protozin for 4 days as directed on the bottle. This was a about a week ago and I've been dosing the tank with the correct amount of Protozin now for 3 days and today is the day that you miss a treatment. However, the fungal infection has spread the entire length of the tetras gill cover and is starting to cover the area under its head. It looks like the infection is actually on the gill internally but I can't be sure. I also looks as though one of the black widow tetras has a slight white colouring to the inside of his top lip but I'm not sure if it has always been there or if it's normal.

I've been doing water changes 25% water changes regularly and using this medication. I guess the only factor left may be stress of slight overcrowding but obvious this is a vicious circle as I can't move this fish onto their new owner until I've cleared up this infection. I just wondered if anyone could give me any more ideas of how to tackle what seems like a really nasty fungal infection. Also, how contagious is this? Is it likely to spread to my other fish if it doesn't appear to have already done so in the past 2 weeks?

Thanks :unsure:
This is just a quick update. I've just come home from dancing and literally within 1 hour it looks like some of the 'fluff' has come off of his gill and his gill cover looks like it's either damaged, worn away or tucked inside his's really strange. I'm not sure if this is a sign that the infection is clearing up or if it's a bad thing. I'll wait to see how he is tomorrow and will do another water change.
Hi Kelly-jo,

I had a similar problem a few years ago. I used a UK product called Interpet Anti slime and velvet. "A single dose treatment for the eradication of slime disease protozoan parasites, such as Costia sp., Trichodina sp., Chilodonella sp., and flukes such as Dactylogyrus sp. and also velvet parasites"

I hope this helps. Can you upload a pic of the fish?
I'll try in the next few days but he's still super active so it's hard to photograph him well enough to see.

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