Fungus In The Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2005
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A fish died of fungus about a year ago in a bowl I want to use. I've rinsed it out of course, but could the fungus still be alive after all this time to attack a new fish?
Fungus occurs when the water quaility is bad. Like, non-frequent water changes, no de-chlor in water, algae over growth, etc.
Thanks, that's good news. My old fish grew fungus almost while he was dying, but I always keep their water clean so I don't know why he was having problems. I talk about this a little in a previous thread, but I think our tap water is contaminated because my other fish became healthy as soon as I replaced his clean, fish-treated, tap water with bottled spring. :sick: Now everyone in my household drinks bottled because of the fishcident.
The pH and ammount of food in the tank could've gone twords what happened too.

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