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Fish Herder
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
The desert

My first sick fish experience. :-(

One of my 2 new Peppered Cory's (Eric and Ernie) had a white marking (looked like scar tissue) on his fin the day I bought him, but only noticed it late that night, following morning, there was cotton wool like fungus all over his fin, so off I went to LFS.

They appologised, it should not have left the shop, but he missed it, he told me to return it and he'd swap it.

I decided instead to try and treat it as I'll have to get used to treating sick fish at some point, so got fungus/finrot stuff and treated for the 3 days it said to, following instructions to the letter (including removing carbon filter).

Now 2 days later, the fungus is still there, the fin looks better but the cotton bud is still there, should it have dissapeared or does the treatment kill the fungus but it takes time to drop off? :dunno:

Do I need to continue treatment? :dunno:

I can still take him back to LFS, but I've already grown attached to him and he seems fine, he's always busy, not rubbing it or flinching when it gets knocked and boy is he feeding :D

If it helps water stats are:
Ammonia 0 - Nitrite 0 - Nitrate 25 - PH 7.2 - GH 10 - KH 6

I'd appreciate your help as to what I should expect to see or what I should be doing, as would Eric.

Does it say on the med howlong before you can repeat the treatment. and did you mean that you have treated the fish for 3 days already and now it is two days after that or is this just the second day overall?
Hi tstenback,

Does it say on the med howlong before you can repeat the treatment.

No, it does say that "In severe cases the dose may be continued for a number of days"

Doesn't define how many days and I don't think it's really severe, but I don't know for sure, as i said he'd whizzing around looking happy enough.

did you mean that you have treated the fish for 3 days already and now it is two days after that or is this just the second day overall?

It's the 2nd day AFTER completion of the 3 day course of treatment so day 5 in total.

What I really need to know is should this fungus disappear during treatment, or will it die during treatment and then "dropoff" afterwards?

I've got a 2.5 Gallon tank that if I get a filter today, I can move him into and continue to treat him in isolation if needs be, though no other fish are sick it can't be good for them to get treatment if they're well. Or if it would be in the best interests of the fish I can take him back to LFS and replace him but....

If the white stuff is still there in a day or so i would definitely treat again. Often fish will go about their business with wounds etc and seem just fine but will later succumb to the fight with bacteria. So watch him carefully and make sure he keeps active and eats well. good Luck :)
Will do tstenback, just getting the small tank sorted and will quaranteen him and treat again.

Wish me, or rather wish Eric luck!

i think its your water did you do a check? i mean pepper cory is a though fish in its class ..... i got my tank totally wipped out by an unknown virus last week but my 2 peppered cory mannaged to stay alive with out a scratch..... however i realize pepper cory do worst in bad water.... they get fin rots and such..... but if you do a water change and apply Melafix they would be back in no time ( at the same time try not too overfeed your fish) good luck!
Thanks mashimaro_0000

I've thought about that and I posted my stats on the original post, Nitrate is currently a bit high, but is reducing with water changes (couldn't do any during treatment) nitrite and Ammonia are both 0. I've also cut down the feeding a little bit too.

The fin was injured/infected when it came from LFS, I just didn't notice 'till about 9pm that night, no other fish are ill and the cory's were added nearly a week ago.

I am setting up a small hospital tank at the moment and if it's still there tomorrow I will start a new course of treatment again.


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