"No one is a failure unless you try"
I just need to rant about this, because I'm so frustrated. I apparently have some kind of hyper-fast fungus in my split 10 gallon. It already killed my yellow veiltail and one of my really pretty purpley fish within the span of a single day, and now, day two, it has infected both my teeny tiny crowntail female and my orange veil, dispite my having isolated the other two previously infected fish... This is just terrible!!! I noticed the female had a large, horribly swollen mark on her this morning which was covered in fuzz, so I isolated her and medicated with Melafix and salt. She's still perky, eating, the fuzz is gone and the wound seems to be getting better, so I'm pretty sure she's going to make it, surprisingly. She's so small that I just KNEW she was a goner. The orangey, on the other hand, is a different matter. He's pale, lying on the bottom, and hasn't eaten today.
I didn't isolate him when I realised he had the fungus too, because it was apparent by that time that I was going to have to treat the whole tank anyway. I just did a water change yesterday, so surely this isn't caused by poor water conditions??
I threw away the fish net I used to scoop out the infected fish, because I'd be too paranoid to ever use it again.
RIP Joustriel and Asmoday
Edit: And here's hoping this little girl makes it!
I didn't isolate him when I realised he had the fungus too, because it was apparent by that time that I was going to have to treat the whole tank anyway. I just did a water change yesterday, so surely this isn't caused by poor water conditions??
I threw away the fish net I used to scoop out the infected fish, because I'd be too paranoid to ever use it again.
RIP Joustriel and Asmoday
Edit: And here's hoping this little girl makes it!