Fungus AND Velvet!


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Poor Moe! I did my daily check over, and hes got a small patch of fungus now too. (Grayish coat on a small patch of his skin. Treating as fungus, at least) Good thing I had just bought fungus treatment yesterday! My poor fish!

*diligently stands guard over her babies* >:E I shall prevail! I WILL have healthy, beautiful Betta.


My babies! :-(

They don't sell it near me. Right now, Jungles the only reputable brand I've got to work with.

Maybe if I drove for an hour in a direction, but currently, I can't locate any bettamax to purchase. So its, Jungles or nothing.

I'm taking jungles. :)

i would suggest having some around for te future though. it can save a betta s life. you could oredr it online if you cant find it near you.
I don't have a credit card. It really makes ordering online extremely difficult. I'll look for it, but I can't make any guarentees.

My mother has had a lot of luck with jungle products, so we'll see how that works. Any medicine can save a fishes life, if its used properly and at the right time.

errrm...any medicine?

Any disease can be prevented with diligent water changes.
And about after an hour after I put the fungus treatment, Moe's made a bit of a drastic change in his swimming.

He wentt from skulking in a corner to actively swimming around his tank and basically acting like a fish on speed in comparison to how he was this morning.

I DID move the plans, and the waters yellow from the treatment, so maybe he can't see Pearl? Or is the medicine making my baby feel a bit better?

Any ideas? He really seems much more active and alert than he did an hour ago. Both fish are dancing around their section of the tank (not flaring, more like exploriding then resting, playing and exploring.)

Any thoughts?


Yes, diligent water changes CAN prevent them. I'm not saying they can't or won't.

But any medicine, if used properly and when a problem DOES crop up (because no matter how many times you change the water, he WILL get sick at least once), properly used medicine CAN and WILL save his life.

_Especially_ with new fish that bring home something that water changes just _won't_ fix.

I perfectly agree that water changes are vital. But I also believe that its my responsibility to use their medicines properly when there is a problem like velvet, Ich, fungus or parasites that water changes *will not fix*.

I won't kill a fish just because I don't like medicine. If it saves their lives, I will use it properly in order to do so. I have a sick little fish, and by god, I'm going to do everything I can to make certain he gets better quickly.

Satisfied? Or do you think a water change or two is going to remove the gray fungus on his gill plate?
BettaMax is an excellent product, but unfortunately it is no longer readily available. Many stores that once carried it no longer have it on their shelves since Aquatronics has gone Chapter 11.

Anyone who uses this product, or others by Aquatronics, would be well advised to stock up while any supplies of this good medicine are still available.
hmmm my betta had a spot of fungus on his fin after his lady friend bit him, i put a pinch of aquarium salt in everyday until it dissapeared which was two days latter and now his fins are healing up really quik, bettamax or bettafix isnt allways the only thing that will work and im sure that jungle meddicing thing u got will work just aswell, i hope ur fishy gets better :)
BeccaBlain said:

Yes, diligent water changes CAN prevent them. I'm not saying they can't or won't.

But any medicine, if used properly and when a problem DOES crop up (because no matter how many times you change the water, he WILL get sick at least once), properly used medicine CAN and WILL save his life.

_Especially_ with new fish that bring home something that water changes just _won't_ fix.

I perfectly agree that water changes are vital. But I also believe that its my responsibility to use their medicines properly when there is a problem like velvet, Ich, fungus or parasites that water changes *will not fix*.

I won't kill a fish just because I don't like medicine. If it saves their lives, I will use it properly in order to do so. I have a sick little fish, and by god, I'm going to do everything I can to make certain he gets better quickly.

Satisfied? Or do you think a water change or two is going to remove the gray fungus on his gill plate?

I can see what you're saying. But I will add that a cycled, maintained tank will prevent most every problem. Also a wide variety of foods. I understand that you can't be sure what a new fish is carrying, but I can say I've brought home many fish that were literally dying and they cleared up quickly without a med or a relapse. I try to avoid meds at all times, I prefer natural alternatives such as minerals. I do however,swear by BettaMax and I'll take Inchy's advice and stock up! The hardest thing about dealing with most meds is accurate dosage in small tanks, most are made to treat 10 gallons or more. Just be careful.
I'll be careful. But just keep in mind that I'm trying to get the tank cycled as we speak, and it doesn't happen over night. I don't have another place to put these darlings until I can get them into a cycled tank because they'll freeze to death, so I have to do what i have to do.

Speaking of which, its time to do a small water change and make sure theres no uneaten food decomposing in their tank.


:eek: FREAZE to death how?, where i live its always like 18 degrees celcius, how cold is it where u live ?
Freeze to death. I'm in Montreal, Quebec. It doesn't help my apartments an ice box right now.

Left overnight, Moe's water when from 80 degrees to 65. hes lucky he didn't kick the bucket on me. (thus the 16.5 gallon tank and the associated nightmare.)

To make matters even more entertaining, the damned little bugger found a way through the divider and decided to beat poor Pearl up. I just happened to be in "Oh ####!" distance and broke up the fight before either got hurt.

Then I took great care to make certain the divider was in the PROPER place. (A stone wedged it just far enough to let Moe slip through.) :crazy:

At least they are both fine.

Their water got a 15% change (Okay, I admit, by the time I lugged 2-1/5 gallons, I was tired ;)

Today has been a day from hell.

At least I got an algae bloom in the tank to help with the ammonia and etc levels. I never thought i'd be thankful to algae for a change...

Becca the Stressed

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