Fungia Problem


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Hi guys, I had had this coral for a couple of weeks now and all good. It has been expanding well, feeding and have actually noticed some growth too. It looked like this at 6am this morning:

(pic from a couple of days ago)


I come home from work and it looks like this:


What could have caused this? My parameters are all spot on, mag maybe a little high but other than that, no issues, no swings.

The only thing I can think of is a predator of some kind, like what? I have seen an asterina star in the tank but nowhere near the coral. Would this be the culprit?

Any avice/input would be great.

Hi there, I have a fungia and they are a lovely little coral to keep. I have had mine for approxiamtely 2 years now and still going strong. What you have witnessed is really nothing to worry about. I would suggest the usual checks i.e water chemistry etc. These corals have a voracious appetite and I am sure that if you were to put a little brine shrimp in its direct that it would spring in to life. I love watching them eat because you will see the tentacles pass the food particle towards the mouth at the centre but at the same time a fine white mass of what looks like string come out of the mouth. This is actually it's guts; much like starfish when they feed.

Hope this helps


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