Fundulopanchax Nigerianus Innidere


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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I Found these last monday and at the price they were(1.50 each) bought a mixed group of 10. more females to males.
The question i have is that not all the females look the same.
Some are very very gold where as others are very grey,black and some are a dirty brown color.

The have been ok and keep to themselves. the other killies have ignored them and i have not seen them interact.
First off, Did you get them from a reputable source are they all Fp.gar. Innidere females. If your sure then thats fine, All or most Aphyosemion/Fundulopanchax females look similar to the novice. Fp.gar females should be a light fawn colour. Leave them a few days and let them settle. Make sure you have a tight fitting lid as they like to jump. Best seperate the males as the larger will bully the smaller so sort according to size. Females can be reared together. If you need more info on the species then just ask.
First off, Did you get them from a reputable source are they all Fp.gar. Innidere females. If your sure then thats fine, All or most Aphyosemion/Fundulopanchax females look similar to the novice. Fp.gar females should be a light fawn colour. Leave them a few days and let them settle. Make sure you have a tight fitting lid as they like to jump. Best seperate the males as the larger will bully the smaller so sort according to size. Females can be reared together. If you need more info on the species then just ask.

Thanks for the Info.

They are doing Fine and eat healthily.

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