Fun With Ads


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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To start things off I thought I would make a game of how the random ads that are now appearing at the top of my screen , change between each page I visit and try to connect the dots on how they are related to each other.

So upon opening the main forum page at the top of the page I have an ad for Fish Species of Australia
Q Tank- Rainwater tanks
Free digital camera

Then when I opened the general chat page my ads where, well one for WASPA

And now creating this thread my one ad at the top is For APIA - Australain Pensioners Insurance (trust me I am no where near retirement age)

So let the game begin how are these ads related or relevant to me?

Feel free to list your own ads which pop up too

And most of all have fun with what is otherwise a rather annoying add on :)lol: )
I'm currently on the family computer and I got an ad for this:

There's no way that could be based on cookies on this computer.
Ok so maybe I didn't expalin myself fully with the aim of this thread.

So for the first add it could be relating to me becuase its for Fish Species of Australia - ok I live in Australia, the second ad is for Q Tank rainwater tanks - it could be relating to be because I live in Australia and its hot and mostly dry so rainwater tanks come in handy (I would have also excepted as an answer I have so many tanks I need my own water supply :lol: ), third ad for a digital camera - well I am a happy snapper of many things :nod: .
Next page ad for WASPA- I am an animal lover and animal cruelty and neglect is very important issues.

Must say the next page with APIA had me a little stumped until I figured that everyone is going to eventually get old so might as well shop around now ;) .
yes, i think we all knew what you were getting at.

just its only a few, here, who think the adverts are in any way entertaining.

and it #62### all to do with the Admin/owners here, where we go on the internet.
if they want information off of me. they can buy it. like any honest person/business would.

lol, that said. I've never seen one.

anyone want to run a book, on how long this thread lasts?
I have an add for a college offering a degree in motorcycling engineering................................
No7 Beautiful skin .... OY!! There ain't nowt wrong with my skin you cheeky #71###er
come to where I live ... there's plenty. The only thing they make round here is babies
They do vary wildy depending on what IP address I use.

England yields the worst results, figures I guess!

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