Full Neon Tetras


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2007
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I bought some neons today and fed some frozen food (they'd been in the tank a few hours before feeding time) anyhoo, nothing went wrong.. they all seem really happy but have HUGE stomachs!

I've never had such small fish before and was just wandering if this is normal? I can imagine it wouldn't take much to fill those little stomachs, so am not that surprised that they're a little bloated, but a couple of them are a bit more than I would've expected.

thanks for any advice. sorry if this is a bit noob-ish. :rolleyes:
well, their bellies have shrunk a bit now.. except one who still looks big. they still seem fine so I'm assuming this is normal for such small fishies.
I have noticed this aswell, however it happens with both my 5 neons and 4 glowlights.. Their stomachs go small again after a few hours so I just assumed that I could possibly be over feeding them or thats just what happens. I feed mine mostly frozen bloodworm but sometimes give them shelled peas and other vege scraps.
sounds like you might be overfeeding them...feed them a little less and see what happens. do your fish have their faeces hanging under their bodies? this is a classical sign of overfeeding.

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