
Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Yesterday I found a baby fish in one of my tanks - I'm not sure what type of fish it is because it's still so tiny! :wub: But I know it's either a molly or a platy - I have 2 pregnant mollies and 4 pregnant platys! I think there must have been more fry but they must have been eaten. So I rescued this one and put her/him in a breeding net. One of my rams keeps trying to eat her/him! :crazy: My question is - how old are they when they start eating? And what should I feed him/her? She is about 4mm long at the moment.
I started feeding my platty fry virtually straight away. I used a liquid food called Interpret Liquifry 2 which is specifically for Livebearers. When they get a bit bigger I swtched to really finely crushed flake :nod:

i'd just grind up some flake food, but you can get microworms from your lfs
I feed my molly fry very fine crushed up flakes and I also bought these brine shrimp pellets, but I crush them up into powder and they really like it! :D I also put a little bit of gravel in my breeding net so they can scavenge for food whenever they want. I usually break a piece of the brine shrimp pellet and send it to the bottom for them. I like watching them all chase after it (there are 7 of them, all dalmations) :D

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