

New Member
Oct 24, 2007
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Ok, so came home this evening to spot two little tiny fry swimming about! I haven't got a breeding net or anything like that so ive had to put them in my little fish net for the time being. I havent a clue what im doing with them so any help would be really great. Thanks.

Edit: I didnt even know any of my fish were pregnant, so is there any way of telling what breed they are this early?
what kind of fish do you have in your tank?

Plants (lots of plants) will help protect them from being eaten...
I have fry in my tank too. I couldn't catch them, but they are doing just fine hiding under a big piece of bogwood :)
If you dont have seperate tanks to grow fry out in, and don't want to get into that, let the fry roam as they will and let nature take its course. Otherwise, be prepared to amass a collection of tanks.
what kind of fish do you have in your tank?

Plants (lots of plants) will help protect them from being eaten...

Erm one plattie, four mollies, two angel fish and two algae eaters that i cant remember the name of for the life of me, and now these two little fry.

There is quite a bit of plant life in there along with some wood they can hide under, hopefully they might survive.
They have a very slim chance of survival. Angels are cichlids therefore are bad tempered at heart, algae eaters are actually aggressive (well Chinese, which are the common ones i believe) so, i would personally invest in the biggest plastic floating breeding trap you can find. They will grow slower, but have a much better chance of survival. Put them back in when they are bigger than the mouth of the biggest fish in the tank.

However, saying that, if your tank is really densley planted, then this could provide enough shelter anyhow.

(personally, i wouldnt take the risk tho, especially if u caught them already)

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