
molly girl

Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2007
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i'm so happy! my balloon molly, yoko ono, just had fry! i'm worried, though because yoko is just kind of floating around now. she's breathing, and will sorta sit up if i touch her gently. do you think she'll be ok? i don't know if she's tired, or what.
has her breatheing increased/decreased? how do you mean floating? right way up? what are you water stats?
might be nothing but better to be sure
her breathing is fine, she's on her side.... i don't have any test strips right now but it's the same water that is in the community tank where she was this morning.
maybe the fry have somehow damaged her swim bladder, try the emergency section as i have no idea what this could be, sorry i can't help you any further
when she swims away then stops does she tilt to the side and float to the top if so i beileve her swim bladder has gone
she doesnt really swim much, but when she does it doesn't look like a swim bladder problem. i've dealt with that before. she just floats on her side.
:( oh nooo! so many of the babies have died! i don't know why... the water's fine...
:( Yoko died... there are 3 babies left, and 2 of them are looking pretty good. they're active and aren't looking sluggish.
i've come to the conclusion that she was long overdue. when i brought her home, she was enormous, and stayed that way for another 3 weeks. it must've been too hard on her little body. :-( and i assume it also hurt the majority of the babies, too, which is why they died... i am very grateful for my 3 remaining little ones. they're doing very well, so that's good news. thanks for your help guys!
from many losses comes the 3 golden fihs..hope they survive and grow up to be big and strong :) sorry to hear about YOKO :(:(:(
good news!

a little fry that was born in the community tank showed up out of the plants! he was swimming around like he owned the place, haha, but i moved him to where he'd be safe. so 4 fry!

thanks guys!

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