Fry With Spots...


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hey! I have fry. They are tiny and spotted and really cute.
The problem is I don't know how I got spotted fry. :blink:
There are only 2 kinds of fish in the tank. There are longfin albino peppers and elegans.
The albino have bred before. The elegans have not. These eggs were tiny. (less than half the size that the albinos left. I figured it had to finally be the elegans.
Now I have spotted fry. My elegans are not spotted. There have never been regular peppers in there. Just these 2 kinds.
I am very confused.
Like I said... the albinos bred before. They were all white, and the eggs are always much bigger than these were.

Here are pics...
View attachment 48821

What are these? How did I get spotted fry when none of the fish are spotted?
Are elegans fry spotted?

Thanks for helping me. I am totally confused by this. :blush:
they looks like baby C. elegans to me.

Remember that the fry will not show the correct marking of the adults until about 3-4weeks old. Nice fry though
Thanks for the info. I feel much better now. I was beginning to get really worried that my albino peppers had some how had a full batch of regular peppers. I have too many of the regular peppers now. I don't want more of them. I need to find homes for some. I have other kinds that I want so I need to thin the ones I have too many of so I will have room.
I only had 1 male and 1 female of the elegans and I couldn't find any more so I am glad they bred. If I get 5 or 6 of them to live I will not "try" to breed them again. They will got to the community tank. I have 25 fry (that I could count) so I should get enough from this batch unless something goes wrong. Then I can start working on another kind.
I have 3 other kinds that I want to get my nubers better with.

I read the article you posted. It was pretty good. I wish you had included a few more kinds though. You need to do an article with pics that show how to tell the very similar kinds apart for people like me that got elegans thinking they were bronze. The female elegans looks almost just like a bronze! (when they are small) I am glad I have the elegans now though. It was a good mistake. The elegans stay smaller, and the male gets really pretty when it gets close to spawning time. The problem is that with only 2 of them they stay hidden almost all of the time. Now that I will have more... maybe I will get to see them more. :good:

Thanks again for helping! :D
studz article is pretty good. I read it a time back and got some new info and good ideas. I have it bookmarked.

Planetcatfish has some comparison programs. It's been awhile so I am not up on what they have. You might have to register. But definately worth browsing.
Cool. I will see about it as soon as I get past this weekend. I have to figure out how to transport all those corys in the morning. :hyper:
Thanks. They are now in their new home. It was hard to leave them though. (I took pics)

I lost a few of my new fry. I still have quite a few left though. I hope I don't lose many more.

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