Fry Update!


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Hi everyone! Just thought I'd update you on my fry. If you recall I started with 14 and lost many. I am still holding on to 6 of them, I am proud to say! And the weird thing is that they are all females! I guess the mommy had a bad batch of boys. Anyhow, they are doing great and I've been thinking about moving them to the big tank, but am still undecided. And even better news is that while I was trying to catch my very aggresive Chinese Algae Eater to put him in the pond I found a teenie tiny fry! He/she could be either a swordtail or a platy. I can't tell yet, but this one is very small. I grabed him up and put him in the fry tank where he is doing well.

Congradulations, i was wondering how old they are? I moved my batch of swordtail fry and lost them all. I still have no idea what happened, but from now on, i am leaving them until they get big enough to go in the main tank. Sandy
Sandy they are about 2.5 months old I think. About this big <----------> I'm still very leary about adding them to the main tank. I had a tramatic experience when I was young and my dad had a tank. Added a bunch of neons and the Zebras went insane eating them all right before our eyes. The neons were big enough that some of the Zebras had half of them hanging out of their mouths! Yikes!

Don't want to see that again.


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