fry-to move or not?


Jul 13, 2005
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Ive just discovered 2 guppy fry in my tank.
I think they are only a couple of days old and have smartly survived by confining themselves to the top of the hornwort plants.I dont really have anywhere else to put them at present.
The tank is a 3ft heavily planted one and Im just wondering is there any chance they will survive or should I kick one of mybettas into a bowl for a week or two and use his 10g cycled heated tank as a fry tank?
If they do stay put will they have enough food to live on or should I get some liquid fry food to supplement their diet?
They can survive in a well planted tank, just some baby brime strimp they find foods.
Congratulations! :cool:

If they have managed to survive this far, I'd say they have a good chance, particularly as the tank is heavily planted. You could do the breeder net as suggested or just leave them. If you leave them, they can probably feed themselves for the first week or so from microorganism and algae (this being a planted tank); after that they should be able to eat crushed flake. If you stick them in th breeder net, they will need to be fed some baby food from the shop or baby brine shrimp or similar. Guppies are quite big so don't have to have the tiniest food.

My guppy fry were born when I was on holiday and managed to look after themselves in the tank without any pampering until 1 month later, as nobody knew they were there.

It is good if you can keep the water as clean as possible though; perhaps 2-3 water changes a week.
Thanks for the replies.Im inclined to leave them where they are as my previous experiences with breeding traps havent been good.They seem to be managing to stay hidden and although I would love them to survive I know that with guppies theres always going to be another batch along soon .
What other fish do you have in the tank? If they aren't too big then they may well survive long enough to be larger than mouth sized.

Floating plants are a good idea too, or rocks and slate so they can hide easily.

Finely crushed flake and live food is fine for them, although they will eat the algae and pick at the plants.

Good luck raising them. :thumbs:
The betta does'nt need a heated tank they can live in a jar. As for the guppy fry they may be able to escape the bigger fish but if you really want to keep them alive put them in a different tank. I have over 300 baby fry I had to buy another tank to keep them in. Now my fish are breeding real well I have decided to start breeding them I have About 20 that have babies every four weeks.

I have; 3 female balloon mollys
9 female mollys
2 female swords
2 female platties
7 female guppies (5 of which have not long been put in there, and are
only just starting to breed they are ones I breed myself)

The above fish are only my breeding fish I have many more fish.
If the fry have good cover from your plants they should be fine, i started with 20 and ended up with well over 200 without removing them, they just hide in the water sprite and java fern.

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