fry tank


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
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South England
today i cleaned out my fry tank of every thing water and gravel and stones and all the muck!!! becasue i wanted my fry tank to be emty o it all so i can siphon with the fear of accidently suck a fry up now i can see them an dthey wont be hinding in the gravel ithink they like its especialliy nno wits not invested with snails!!! and its easyier for them to eat all there food up hehhehe :D :lol: co sit not lost into the gravel. all my fry are happy and some are greating quite big ------ that big yay!!!!! :D
I'm new here and i was wondering how big the tank has to be to hold 13 baby fry. I need to buy them a new tank but i don't know how big it should be. :S and should i have gravel at the bottom of the tank because in the one that they r in now does and there used to be 18 but know there is only 13 because the rest died from getting stuck in the rocks. :/

Thanx janis
my advice to u is to have entirly emty tank except maybe a plant for them to peck at !!! its make it easyier to clean out the tank if there nuffin in the bottom! :D :thumbs: well if u have fry the thing to consider is i have my fry in a 2.5 gallon tank but as soon as any of my fry gorw to the size of this ------- they are too big to fit into any of my livebearers mouths!! so that when i put them into the main livebearer comunity tank! :D :lol: :hyper: hehehhehe but if u have say a huge cichlid of sumthing like that obiviously u will need a very big tank to grow ur babys to a bigish size eg. an inch .... want fish u planing on breeding ??? :unsure: livebearers???? is so u can use a breeder net but i find it rather crual and prefer my small tank they like it in there!! :D also have big smiles lol!!!! :hyper: :lol:
thanx that helps alot. I wasn't planning on breading them i just bought three new fish and one was pregnant so it had it's babies about 3 days ago and they are in a 2 gallon tank right now but i'm going to buy a bigger tank l8er. That way i can put all of them in the same tank. I might plan on trying to breed fish but what exsactly do you breed them for. :/
thanx janis.
Hi Little fry

You asked what can you breed them for.

The simple answer is just the sheer joy of seeing all those little babies and the satisfaction of keeping them healthy and watching them grow.

Beware though - because in the process of learning how to look after them you will get more and more drawn into the Guppy breeders world until you may be like me - stuck in it and hopelessly addicted. You will soon be discussing genetics and planning on raising show quality guppies. The idea of 14 tanks just for the production of one strain will not seem outrageous and paying upwards of $100 per fish seem perfectly reasonable.

Meanwhile I hope you just enjoy yourself. Aernympha is right a small breeder tank with a bare bottom ( ?) is the best way to go. Guppy fry do appreciate live planting though , Feed them well with plenty of protein - baby brine shrimp if you can get them or hatch them yourself. The babies also need very good water quality too if they are to fulfil their potential,

Good Luck

well i have dicided to get 2 25gallon tanks and separate my males and females. Is that what you r suposed to do so you don't get to many pregnant fish at the same time. Or do you just leave them together, and get a really big tank. :/

My babies look really healthy and are growing really fast and the mom is now friends with the other two fish that i bought because i had put her in a different tank to have her babies and now she is in with the other two and she is having a blast. :thumbs:

oh and i was wondering how you get the pictures on the side were it says your name and were you r from and stuff?
LittleFry, get a giant tank instead of 2 seperate ones... I suggest if you're willing to spend that much money on a fish tank you might as well go bigger...
yes but it better to separate the fry but i think a lfs will tank even if they are pregnant!! :thumbs: so go for bigger tank if u have the room and money!! :thumbs: but personaly i wouldnt want three tank filled with livebearers!!! :crazy:
hey peoples.

the babies are huge now i have a tank in the basemint that i am going to clean and stuff and put plants in for them so they can grow. How do you tell them from male and female i read that it was a fin or something but i don't know? :fun: :hyper: :p

The babies have really big eyes. There cute. i took the rocks out of the tank so they would get all of there food and won't get stuck in the rocks anymore. :thumbs:

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