Fry Tank

Dave T

Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Co Clare Ireland
Hi am a little worried about the length of time i have to set up this fry tank
so i was thinking and dont no if this will work so all help and input welcome.

if i take some of the medium of existing filter and put it in the new filter and the new medium back into my existing filter
and use the water from my tank,would this be sufficant

the reason for the rush is it is possible that one of my platys might only have ten days maybe two weeks to go
i have also asked this question in the livebarers section but its at the end of a thread so not sure if anyone is picking up on it

Also cant seem to get my hands on java moss an other plants that would be a good replacement for fry

And sorry for being so impatient
If you can move a portion of the filter media over, it will work wonders to help cycle a new filter. Don't leave the new filter without a source of ammonia or you will lose much of that head start though.

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