Fry Tank W/ Possible Extras


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
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Just won this on fleebay.
Planning on using it as a fry tank, untill they are able to survive with the big boys. My calculations make it just shy of 3 gallons.
Then heat it with this
and filter it with one of these
Im leaning towards the HOB filter, or maybe a DIY Sponge filter. Mainly due to the fact i want sand in there.
Im also thinking of adding some cherry shrimps so that when its 'fryless' it will still be in operation.
What are your thoughts on this? And what would you recommend for filtration?

and also, if i use tank water out of my main tank and some filter media, will it still need cycling? 
im running a fluval 306 with extra media in from my U4 from when i switched over, so i can take some out and replace it with the stuff from the hob filter if i go that way. I think.....
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What fry are you planning on keeping in it as they won't be able to stay in it very long as it's so small
£3.20 is not a bad price for that! I too would be interested to know what you plan to keep in it.
Can't complain. Even if it never gets used. I can't complain

It's going to be for the odd batch of platys. They are popping them out all the time but are being eaten. Would be nice to see them through. If you get me. :)

I'm aware that I can't fit too much in there. The fry won't be long in there. A few weeks so they are big enough to survive. Or pass on to others.

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