Fry Tank Question


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
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I curently have a 29 gallon tank with a serious baby problem. I thought it was really cool at first but its now getting out of hand , h......y little buggers seem to reproduce at least once every 2 months or so lol. My last count was getting close to 50+ fry of different size and age.

The problem I am starting to face is the obvious rise of amonia and nitrite. My tank is fairly heavily planted with java moss and lemon grass along with some others and my 3 adult female mollies are starting to suck air at the surface which concerns me. The plattys seem to be ok for now. BTW thats all i have, are platties (8 adult) and the 2 sailfin mollies.

I do have a spare 10 gallon tank that is empty now. Should I set it up for the fry till I can sell them to the lfs ?. If so how and what should I put in it ? My Amonia in the main is already at .5

I started doing daily 10 percent water changes and put in a couple of extra airstones. this seems to help them a bit

The LFS said he couldnt take em till they were at least an inch long , as no one would want them for anything but feeder fish

Thanks for any help
well iv got a couple solutions for ya:

1) u can treat the amonia wit chems and do regular water changes ( even thogh i know thats not easy to do in a big tank like urs.

2) scoop em up and give em to the lfs for credit or sumthing, im pretty sure the'll end up as sumones dinner but if ur not to attached to em or anything that could be the ting to do.

my gups breed alot to my female had babys last tuesday and she was prego again within 24 hours lol maybe u should just find a way to cut back on ur males, maybe buy a mesh divider so they arnt tempted to make more babys.

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