Fry Surgery


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I'm getting a little tired of this, lol... Remember the thread where I lost a fry to choking on a brine shrimp? Same thing happened today, only this time with a grindal worm and the little guy was lucky enough to live.

I fed grindals today and almost first thing noticed a fry with one hanging out his gill, and yet he was trying to gulp down another :lol:. To make matters worse, it was my very best copper ST!
I had to perform emergency "surgery" by netting him and pulling the worm out, which is really difficult when he's above water and I can't really tell what's worm and what's fish. Long story short, he's a little clampy but he's not gasping or anything so I'm sure he'll be fine... somebody else ate the worm :look:
:lol: cute story, glad he's okay :thumbs:

Maybe youve got a fish with with 9 lives? :lol:

Seriousy though, was that first BS de-capsulated? And if so, how big was it? You should try freshly hatched brine if it was adult. :thumbs: Im sure you realsiie that though! (pfft, state the obvious miagi.... :p )
Wow, glad he is all right. I don't thinl I could pull the worm out.
Maybe youve got a fish with with 9 lives? :lol:

Seriousy though, was that first BS de-capsulated? And if so, how big was it? You should try freshly hatched brine if it was adult. :thumbs: Im sure you realsiie that though! (pfft, state the obvious miagi.... :p )
They've been eating fresh BBS, but at 4 weeks I start giving them finely chopped adult brine and bloodworm as well... I guess the poor little guy bit off more than he could chew!
How? Did you just use a pair of tweezers and yank the worm from his gills? :S
I couldn't get a grip on it with the tweezers without worrying I was getting a piece of his gill flap in with it, so I used my fingernails, but yep... just yanked it right out. There was only a tiny bit visible, but the whole thing was almost as long as he was :crazy:
Good to hear all was well this time.

Why do the greedy little beggers always bite off more than they can chew?!

Had a juvie once grab the biggest piece of artemia only to struggle to swallow and then spit out when he decided it was too big for it. Watched it for a few minutes and it started to struggle then lay on its side on the bottom of the tank :crazy: so I whipped it out and lay it on the net and grabbed the tiny bit of artemia poking out and pulled. Silly little devil was dangling off the end of this lump of artemia with me desperately shaking it to get it free :crazy:

All turned out well in the end, wish I knew which one it was as they are all grown up now but at the time had no colour to recognise it by :rolleyes:
Thats a cool story ... I never done surgery on fish before... :shifty: . Hopefully he will get better and remember to chew before swallowing. :X .

~Arrowhead :ninja:
Wow, scary, huh? My little Sui had the same thing happen to her with a live bloodworm, but before I could worry about it, her sister went over and yanked the worm right out and gulped it down! :lol:

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