Fry Killers


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
What are common killers of fry and what are the best ways to prevent/cure them? I’m conditioning my bettas now so I’d like to be as prepared as possible, and know what you have tried and is successful.
depending on the fish it seems to me fungal infections are one of the bigest problems in most egglayers..... also in labrynth fish cold air can kill the fry..... from my owh experiance i wold say canabalisim is on top with alot of fish so removing any full grown adults is usualy the best thing to do.....
Velvet is a biggie in betta fry. Best way to prevent it is to keep the water clean and steady. Planaria is a HUGE fry/egg killer so try not to have any in your tank. I sat and helplessly watched a spawn (where I had removed dad) get eaten by planaria :-( Also make sure you have some aeration when they're freeswimming,but not too much :thumbs:

I've only seen betta cannibalism once and I think it was an accident (at first).
wuv... do you think the planera cold have been a preditory strane from a batch of bloodworms or somthing? ither way thats nasty!

sorry to thred jack but im interested since this is the first time ive seen anyone say that planera is a killer...

also the calabalisim thing is somthing bettas dont do as much but one friend of mine told me that once the fry are free swiming the fater sometimes eats his babies.... im not argueing this with you wuv, infact i trust your opinion since your probly more of an expert than he is.....
ahhh,dad eating fry and fry eating fry are totally different. But I don't consider dad eating them as cannibalism :p That's just selective culling :lol:

And yes,all planaria will eat eggs and motionless fry. It attacked mine while they were hanging on the sides. I blame that on a seasoned sponge filter and now I keep my fry tanks 100% clean from the start. No more seasoned filters for me :p

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
(ugh) i hated those things..i just took all the fry out..took like 3hours.. then i just cleaned the whoel tank to get rid of them but my bettas werea bout 2 weeks. but when ever i get them i usually add a lil bit of Clear Water adn they go away but thats not with betta fry.

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