Fry Is Dying Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2006
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I was on cloud nine when my fish was pregnant I transfered it to a smaller tank with partitions but later other fish were pregnant too and I had many fries. the water got milky oneday and lots of fish started to die. then I transfered the fry ((( I mean ))) what was left to a much bigger new tank half filled with cycled water, new water and two live plants but they are still dying and I can't figure the reason could anyone help?
is the smaller tank cycled? it sounds like it might not be and you're getting a baterial bloom which the fry can't handle.
ya, it could be a bacteria bloom in the small tank, but if the other tank is cycled then it might be something else. are you overfeeding the fry or not cleaning up leftovers? also wat are you feeding them? cuz the food might just be too big. good luck, i hope it gets better!
what's an amonia spike? my new fry tank was okay yesterday but the water started to get cloudy. Do I feed my fish too often I feed them twice or thrice and some of the food falls to the base I take good care to remove this remaining and do 10- 15% water change every day to fight amonia what seems to be the problem?

what's a bacteria bloom? how can I handle it?

I feed my fry twice and the food is called Qutur Baby food it is Crude protein crude fat and crude fiber it is finely crushed what I can't understand why the fry tank is cloudy while the other tank which contains elder fish isn't? is it because there are shells in the elder fish tank. I only put two live plants a filtre in the fry tank? should I add soem shells?
The reason is that the fry tank isn't cycled - that is the bacterial colonies in the tank are not mature. In the process of cycling, a tank (all tanks, really) will go through a bacterial bloom that looks like heavy smoke in the water in the early stages.

If your other thank is cycled (it has been established for a while), take a plastic bag and scoop up some gravel from the bottom of that tank. Take the water and gravel and dump it into the fry tank. That will give the fry tank some mature bacteria.
Well as other have said the tank that you moved the fry into should be cycled. I have a 10 gallon fry tank with 61 fry. I cycled it before I moved the fry. The first time I had fry which was a year and a half ago I moved them to a uncycled tank and they all of them died. So you just have to have good food, have the bottom of the tank clean(dont use gravel because a bare bottom is easier to clean). Also change the water of the fry tank often. I change my fry tanks water by 20% every 3 days and siphon the water at least every 2 days unless there is excess waste every day. Also use a sponge filter. It is great for fry tanks. Azoo makes good sponge filters. So good luck with your fry in the future.
Thanks Guys for your help I really appreciate it B)

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