fry has white film on pectoral fin


Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
ok my fry are 18 days old now and doing great up to now. Tonight I noticed this one guy is struggling to go to the surface and gulp air like its brothers and sisters and its also having some balance problems and its tummy has a few bubbles in there instead of the normal swim bladder the others have. Then I noticed its fin on one side is very white.

I shone a torch on them to check but couldn't see any spots or anything else except a lovely blue/aqua hue on them :wub:

So this is the only one affected and I've got it in a glass which is floating in the fry tank for now. What can I treat it with that won't hurt it as its so small and do I need to treat the others? Its sunday night now with no shops open and I only have the usual aquarium interpet remedies plus melafix and pimafix

Help please :-(
You will need a swim bladder treatment and some salt, if you caught it early it might stand a chance, good luck.
Is it going to be possible to treat it in the glass? Trying to get the dose right is going to be difficult, but I'm worried if I leave him in with the rest that it will spread.

I guess I could treat the whole tank with salt and then dip the glass in the fill up from the tank. Will have to see how it goes with the swimbladder as it seems to have settled a little and a couple of others do sit around a lot although don't seem as bad as this one.

My main concern right now is the white film on its fin

Thanks Wilder :)
You will have to medicate the whole tank if you don't have a spare tank, it could be a birth defect, add some salt to the tank if you have no scaless fish this will help with the swimbladder treatment and the white fin.
Don't med the fry tank. Don't even salt it. Watch closely and remove anything that looks ill. The white film is probably a fungus. They get it from laying on the bottom of the tank. Use Maroxy to treat for the fungus. My fry have some salt in their water from the start, just as all my bettas do. Introducing salt to a young fry will probably kill it if you make the dose heavy enough to use as a salt bath. If you see small bubble inside the fry, instead of a swim bladder, it's possiblely a defect. You can feed it less food at a time, just feed more often. Maybe the bladder will develop right. It's just my opinion, but every breeder should use Maroxy as a fungus preventive in the spawn tank, and have it ready to help with fungus on the pectoral fins as the fry grow.
Thanks fisherman. This spawn wasn't planned so I didn't have any specific medicine to protect eggs and fry. I can't get maroxy in the UK so could I use anything else? I have melafix and pimafix and fungal remedies by Interpet but not sure how strong they are for the fry. I do now have a separate tank cleaned out so I could isolate it and treat it on its own.

I released it back into the main tank last night from the glass and added the salt. I had previously had salt in there, but forgot that of course it got diluted when I started doing 50% water changes daily. So its now back up to the strength it was. No signs of anything on the other fry but this one still has it on its right pectoral fin only. Its still having problems and sitting on the bottom but can come up for air.

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