Fry Hardy ?

Paul Gale

New Member
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Southampton, England

In the last week I've lost 4 neons, 1 Guppy, 1 Molly and an Otto ..Tested water and to my horror the nitrite was far too high .. and I'm taking action asap to correct this .. water changes .. no more fish, cut back on feeding (I admit I may of gone overboard a couple of times) .. quick question though .. Wouldn't Fry be the first to be affected by such bad water ? My two fry have been alive for over a week and still seem very happy And still very hard to catch .. they are bigger then the biggest mouth in the tank so I'm not to fussed about removing them.

I'm going to name them something Heroic when they grow up !!

Sometimes the fry are the first to be affected by bad water but other times...they survive!
It really depends...why I had a disease disaster in my tank my fish survived. Most of them died because they didn't get enough food...the bigger fry got it all.
Fry, from my personal experience are very hardy. I've had the worst outbreaks of different diseases in my tanks and it always seems that they live the alot better then the adults. I think that it maybe since they are babies, they have immune systems that can handle things really well.

For instance, everytime, and I mean everytime, I buy a male mollie, it dies in less then a week. All this while the female is doing fine and living it up. Now, if I get lucky and one of my fry grow to breeding age, they are the most immune fish that I have in my tank to most outbreaks of whatever may be the problem.

I think they have really good immune systems and they can adapt to any disease alot quicker then the adults.

This is just my personal experience with livebearers and mollies in general. Been working with live-bearers for about 18 years now(give or take a year). Hope I've been some help

Cheers a quick glance at my updated signature will show how bad are getting in my tank .. :-( I'm getting very upset finding dead fish.. but I'm not quitting. I'm going to do everything I can to ensure the survivors are looked after .. and after a few weeks I may well consider adding some new friends .. Neons were a birthday present to myself :(

Some of the remaining fish are acting strange .. the three Guppies are sitting just under the surface .. swim away fast enough if I lift the lid.

The mollies all sit on the floor ..

I guess these are signs of Stress ?

The two Ottos seem very happy eating my plants :kana:

and the two fry are acting like they own the tank my swimming with out fear all over the place !! :lol:


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