Fry Growth Rate?


New Member
Sep 3, 2005
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Hi. as im new to all this can some one please tell me how quickly platie fry grow.? I managed to rescue 1 lilttle fry and have him safe in a breading net. but I was wondering how long it will be before he can swim free in the main tank with out being eaten etc

4 platies
3 guppies
3 rummy nose tetra
4 cardinals
2 pepper corys
What kind of Platy fry, Variatus or Maculatus? As I have seen a dramatic difference in the growth rates in my two different kinds of Platies. Anyway, a basic rule to go by is when they are too big to fit in the biggest fish's mouth. :)
Basically when he is big enough not to fit in other fish's mouths, platys take about 6-9months before they are fully grown, although it can only take 3months before they are capable of breeding.
What kind of Platy fry, Variatus or Maculatus? As I have seen a dramatic difference in the growth rates in my two different kinds of Platies. Anyway, a basic rule to go by is when they are too big to fit in the biggest fish's mouth. :)

well im not sure what type i have being new to this ! I know that 2 adults are red mickey mouse platies ( 1 male 1 female) the other 2 adults are larger, both are bright yellow with a flash of black on the edge of their tale and they look like they have pink rosie cheeks???? ( both females)
the baby is a yellow/red mix!
Okies, I'm going to say Maculatus since they are the most commonly available. :) I would say about...2-3 month perhaps, before you can put them in that tank. But growth rates will also depend on the food they are fed. :) And just natural growth rates. The safest guideline to go by is the 'too big to fit in largest fish's mouth'.
thanks. at the moment im giving ground up flakes....
if anyone can tell me the proper name of my yellows id be gratefull :*
It's a little hard to say from that description. Do you by any chance have a picture? :)

You might want to try supplimenting in some high-protein foods, like BBS, or some crushed up freeze-dried foods. It will make him grow a little faster, and it's healthier. Also, you could try some pieces of small blanched veggies.
I do have some pics but im not sure how to put them on ..i tried pasting them but no luck! :S
You could either go to the Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures section and upload them off your computer there, and then post a could host them on Photobucket. If you want to do Photobucket, you have to sign up for an account and then you can upload all your pictures. Once you have the piccies on there, just copy the URL, (Should be under the picture) click the button on here that looks like a picture, and paste the URL in. It should show up as a picture. :thumbs:
I do have some pics but im not sure how to put them on ..i tried pasting them but no luck! :S
ill try again....fingers x oops well its in the members aquarium under "my platie"
at least its on lol :lol:
thanks for the help.
yes she is very pretty and she knows it too lol :*

im looking forward to seeing how the baby turns out.. at the moment its just got a yellow tinge and what looks like black on the tail so i think its gona be just like mum :D

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