Fry Food


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
:unsure: Okay, they have just hit the 4 week old mark. I would like to start giving them new food but the question is what. I tried a bloodworm... everyone just looked at it and went the other way. I tried frozen small brine shrimp... poo poo. I then tried large brine shrimp... they chewed and then left it. I tried flake food, pellet food, etc.....

I've run out of ideas. Right now they get BS in the morning plus a follow up of MW. MW again in the afternoon. Night time is another batch of BS and more MW.
Have you tried frozen Daphnia? Mine are 6 weeks old, have been eating that in addition to their frozen BBS since they were about 3 1/2 weeks old.
They should be big enough for regular frozen brine now too. All you need is one to try it and it should be a chain reaction. Mine eat crushed pellets at that age,and live white worms. Make sure you slice your bloodworms beforehand. They're terrible chokers. Put them in a ziplock,while frozen and after they get a little defrosted run the dull edge of a knife over them,then feed. If you slice after they're defrosted the liquid will just ooze out and you have bw skin :look:
red fish blue fish check out the sticky thread at the top of the page to get answers to all your questions.

In short:

clean as clean can be for the water

a ten gal, hiding place for the female and a foam or corner filter (don't turn this on until the fry are abit bigger. Abit of wood or something for the dad to build a nest under also helps.

To condition fish you just treat them like royalty for a few weeks. Extra clean water and live or top quality frozen food.

Remember you're likely to get alot of fry so you'll need to house them that means splitting the males up as they'll start fighting at an early age.
Just keep trying them nashnutny. Mind were't keen on changing from their usual food but I used to offer the new stuff first and leave them 10 mins then clean it out and put their usual back in. Gradually they came to accept the new stuff.

They particularly enjoyed tearing apart artemia. They didn't quite know what to do with the bloodworms, that took longer to take to and the crushed pellets took forever for them to accept but they did.

My juvies eat all sorts now including flake :D

Good luck!

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