fry emergencie


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2003
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i have a 10 gallon with now 6 fry and snails and i count them about 2-5 times a day and one of them was missing and i figured ididnt count right they swim fast i got home from school and still only counted 6 there were 7 before. i checked the filter stupidly enough they are too big to get in there so i lifted all the decorations and the fish must have gotten trapped under the decoration but the weird thing is that not even 24 hours he was swimming around can some one please help should i leave the decorations out of the tank becuse they like to have hiding places too.

HELP!!!! :(
Keeping count of fry is a thankless task, you will only end up taking unnecessary action when they will probably turn up anyway. Raising fry in a tank is difficult, only the very best breeders can avoid losses. I would keep the decorations in, they are invaluable hiding places for weary fry and I dont think they will get trapped if they are in good health.

I say don't worry about it. Chances are that you'll hurt the fish when you move the stuff. Soemtimes they burrow in the gravel and even go underneath bubble bars, so there's no need to worry.

Are these fry really important, or do you just not want them to die?
Thats why I think when raising should raise them in a smaller tank with minimal or no decorations for the time being untill they are big enough not to get stuck ;) you ideally only need a cave (out of two rocks against each other) and maybe a live plant. (And millions of jars if your a betta breeder :D )
:smb: Small fry can be knoked around by the filter current.Reduce your filter output.And be sure to ask a salesperson at your petshop if you can purchase a anti-fungal med for your fry.but you cant have much gravel in the tank ,because the treated water kills all benficial bactirium.and also invertebrates such as snail which also harbor disease.What type of fry are they?different fish have differnent ease of keeping.I had african cichlid fry before only a few survived out of like fifty.try methyl blue its a good treatment for fry --well see ya darling
Yes sometimes very small fry get stuck in the filter or get like said pushed about this could probably kill their fragile bodies and if they are small enough they will get stuck in the filter
i missed one detail they are 6 weeks old and i havent been having good luck with the fish living my dad said it was because they were lonely and life doesnt seem worth living to them im some what of a new by to this whole thing but i read fish books all summer (i know i have no life) so i really want them to live and for christmas i asked for some cardinal or neon tetras (i want cardinals more but they are $6 a pop and the neons are$2) i also wanted to put some ghost shrimp but the fish store that has any kind of shrimp wants $6 each too) and i am going to put some plants in it too i guess what im trying to say is that i am just tired of fish dieing on me and the worst part is i dont know why they die either
youll lose a few
remember in the wild very few fry survive.depending on the conditions
in the end nature corrects itself.just try to meet the conditions.fry are not hardy at first it takes awhile for them to have a growth spert

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