

Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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When you breed your Bettas, I'm assuming there are a lot of fry that survive and live to maturity?

What do you do with them? Bring them to pet stores? Sell them privately?

Just curious :)
When you breed your Bettas, I'm assuming there are a lot of fry that survive and live to maturity?

What do you do with them? Bring them to pet stores? Sell them privately?

Just curious :)

I havn't bred bettas but i have had lots of baby platies. I take them to my local pet shop where they take them, and pay me the price they normally pay for their stock.

It's important to cull any unsatisfactory fry though, as nobody would want a deformed or ugly fish, and it can also make their swimming hard :(
keep the really nice ones and sell the rest to the LFS or give them away at fish club meetings. Normally I take everything to the LFS as they will take huge numbers at one time. You don't get as much per fish but you get rid of more fish quicker.
As mentioned you need to cull out any inferior stock. That sounds bad but you only want to keep the healthies and best fish. Any fish that is missing fins, eyes or gill covers gets destroyed.
I probably couldn't do it, myself. But I definitely agree with culling the deformed :sad: Boyfriend would have to do that...

How many healthy fry could one expect to fully mature from a batch? I know the number would differ greatly each time...just curious what the average is.

I'm really interested in attempting it myself at some point. I'm just trying to figure out what to expect in numbers exactly lol And I'm trying to absorb as much info as I possibly can from you guys :blush:
you could have 1 or 2 live to be even teenagers, or close to a thousand. more likely between 25-100, but you have to be prepared to raise ALL those babies.

it takes time and effort, and money if you dont have the extra tanks and equipment lying around. also around me anyways you can sometimes expect LFS to try and rip you off price wise over babies/young fish. I have raised guppys and platys... cute nondeformed fish too, and can only give them away, localy wont pay me a dime for them, bettas are a little differnet, but unless you are selling GOOD stock, dont expect too much other then self satisfaction from your babies.
Well...around here, all CT's are about $7 Canadian (approx 3.43 GBP) and VT's are about $5 Canadian (2.54 GBP) I think the GBP is the same as the funny looking L that I can't duplicate on my keyboard? Or is that a Euro? :blush: Sorry...I feel like an idiot lol Overseas currency isn't something I've caught on to yet lol

Anyway, I definitely wouldn't do it for any sort of money. One of my best friends owns a pet store here but she doesn't have tanks or sell fish (just dog/cat stuff) She said she'd sell them in her store and not out of little tiny cups lol I'd just give them away, personally...knowing they're in a good home would be satisfaction enough.

Money and spare tanks isn't too much of an issue. I have a few big empty tanks for's the million bowls for all the boys and where to put them that may be a problem :lol:

But I don't plan on breeding any time in the near future...just starting to look into it, that's all :good:
for my first time breeding, mortality rate was 80% ish? yeah it's pretty high. not sure what happened. i have a store near me that takes them and gives me store credit (which i do sorely need) and i have some betta addict friends as well

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