Fry and/or juveniles with huge bellies


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I have juveniles in with other fish and therefore have to feed them extra so they can get their share of the food. However, I've notice that many of the juveniles have bloated bellies. Should I cut down on food or do they develop in that way?
Well as a general rule of thumb most fish have stomachs about the size of their eyes. This is not true for the big predator fish such as Cichilids but for most smaller fish holds generally true. That is why they are on a constant search for food...they usually find it in small amounts over time. Not usually all at once like we like to feed them.
I'm aware of that, but what could be causing the bloating? Overfeeding results in "explosions," I hear, but I'm not suring why the bloating has occurred....
Well don't feed them for 24 hours and see if the problem persists. If it does not then you know you are just feeding them too much.
Makes sense. It's best for fish to have infrequent fasts, and this'll be like an experiment.

Thank you :D
:lol: Damn now that is the fastest reply I have ever had...8 seconds. :cool:
tempestuousfury said:
I spend most of my time in "view new posts." I don't really have a life anymore... :lol:
joint the club :D B) , im here pretty much all the time

also if the fish are over four months the females could be pregnant, but if they are guppies you would be able to see the gravid spot.
They're about 2 months old or so and therefore can't be pregnant (I can't even tell their gender yet b/c the gonopodiums haven't developed).... I didn't bother to record that date or the date my newer fry were born. I should keep a journal, but I don't record things very well and I enjoy being hands-on more than I do note-taking.

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