Fry And Bad Belly?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
I have two of the original pygmy fry left and one is not looking good in himself, he acts perfectly fine, just doesnt look it. He has always had a bit of a belly, but doing a complete clean today managed to actually catch him and he seems to have a cleat round ball for a belly. Is this terribly terribly bad? The other one does not have this and seems to be maturing much better even though the same age, thanks for any advice x
Hows the fry now?

Sorry i can't really help with the belly thing,the 2 eldest babies i have in the main tank,one is growing well but the other seems smaller and not looking has good has the other,so i suppose they grow at their own rate.
Im not overly concerned as he has had this a long time now and seems fine, just has this see through ball to balance on when swimming around. He seems fairly happy though, his only other sibling seems much more developed at about the same size (almost a proper small fish) whereas he has a bit of tendancy of fry still, though these are my only two survivors in rearing so far! Thanks for telling me about yours, I guess some thrive far more than others? Here is hoping good growth rates for all our babes x
It could just be a swelling if he eats alot.
My guppies are absolute buggers for that, they'll eat until they literally have peas on the bottom of them.

Keep an eye on him, possibly add some de-shelled peas as a treat, helps clear constipation.

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