Fry And Amano Shrimp


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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i have 2 amano shrimp in my fry tan as a clean up crew but will they eat my platy fry? as i also have a heavily pregnant platy in there. the fry will have loads of places to hide and i have a plastic plant thing that only fry can get into as the gaps are too small for the adult. plus she will be removed after giving birth. thanks
My amanos and cherries for that matter never eat fry and i have hundreds of fry in a tank with loads of shrimps. I wouldnt worry myself.
ive had different experience...

youre just going to find out if it works or not. my amano shrimp i use to have always cleaned up left over fry i had. i would put a dozen in and within a few hours there were none left. the cherrys also ate a few
Ive also heard about some shrimp eating pygmy cories, not sure what type of shrimp though.
i think i will remove the 2 back with the other 4 in the main tank. i still have some snails to clean up! thanks for the opinions

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