Frustrating Training Session


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
I'm a dog behaviorist and I teach dog obedience and behavior modification for a living. Dogs go through periods in their training called plateaus, where they will act as though they have never heard a single command and that they really couldn't give you the time of day. After a week or so, all memory regains and they are back to normal. Well, my rottie, who is 6 months, hit one head on today. OMG! It was so frustrating! Had I been an outside bystander, I would have assumed it were her first time on a leash it was so bad! Even though I know that this is normal and it will pass, it is still extremely frustrating and I just had to share it with someone. Thanks for letting me vent guys! :whistle:
is this just in the training or is it throughout their lives?
my big pup is a 2 year old moose
she is over 100lbs and she is a samoyed/ golden lab cross
she is good for not digging or wrecking things but now that summer is here she is resorting to her childish ways
she was so well trained but the last couple of weeks she kept opening the garbage while i was at work and spreading it on my lawn,
so i bought garbage cans that lock (solved that little problem :thumbs: )
then out of nowhere she knocked down my garden fence and dug a deep hole in front of one of my flower bushes
i don't understand her
she was so well behaved :/

sorry to rant but i thought you could help me :*)
sorry you have to deal with your dogs "plateau"
i know what your goin' through
little brats :angry: ;)
Sounds like seperation anxiety to me. I can explain this better later, but I'm actually leaving to go to a dog show right now, but I'll be back this evening and I can put up a post explaining seperation anxiety, causes, and solutions.
Hi Sorrell, :)

I can totally relate. I work at a vet clinic and have a 2 year old pug. A few months ago he went into a "I'm going to jump on anyone who pays any attention to me" that was broken months before that. Very Frustrating to say the least. lol

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