Fruits/veggies For Food


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2009
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Basically says it in the description was curious if strawberries would work or if it is only certain veggies and fruits? My stocking list is as follows :

pair of Kribs
7 Harlequin rasboras
5 Guppies
6 Peppered Corrys
1 Rubbernose Pleco

Didn't know if I could try anything or if certain things would harm water and fish.
Im not sure about strawberries, but I know that:
Apple slices
can be eaten by fish
I don't know about strawberries but cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, broccoli are safe.

Hopefully someone will be able to answer your question about strawberries. :)
also they can eat
Banana, grape, mango, papaya, plantain, pumpkin,Apple, carrot, pears, potato, sweet potato,turnip,Broccoli,peas,sweet corn
here is a quote from "Bignose"

Fish have amazingly sensitive chemical receptors, they will spit out any food that would be inherently dangerous. One little strawberry versus an entire tank is not really going to pollute it a whole lot, nor change the water chemistry in any noticeable way.

Here's what I personally do: I always cut a small section of all the fruits and vegetables that I buy and give a piece to the fish. The fish decide if they want it or not. I've found some very interesting ones over the years, like my tiger barbs really like orange slices. My fish like spinach but not Swiss chard. They don't like pears. I've never tried strawberries, though.

Like with a lot of things, just watch, and if they don't want it, then take it out. Don't let it sit in there for days on end. To me, it's as simple as that. The biggest thing in my opinion would be to make sure the strawberries got a good washing to make sure that not pesticides or fertilizers were on them.

this should answer your question :good:
Thank ya very much gonna try it the strawberries are home grown from my garden so no pesticides on them but they're gonna be washed good before I put a piece in there to see what happens. Gonna try a piece of broccoli as well to mix their diet up some.
Would apples work for platys? That could be an easy way to get them some veggies.
wash the apple to get rid of pesticides,
cut it in to thin slices and float in your tank,
then leave it for a day, what remains take out to prevent decay.
My platys love sweetcorn - obviously I de-shell it first but they go wild for it.

Many people do recommend cucumber and courgette (zuchini) but none of my fish seem impressed when I give it to them. If anything the only thing in my tank that will eat it is snails.

My red eye tetras (my fave fish) do get spoilt. From time to time they will have a few breadcrumbs and brocolli.

My mother usually pays me a visit at the weekend and she brings round a bag of fish and chips from the local chippy, she always keeps a small bit of cod (minus the batter) for my male swordtail. I swear blind he knows what day of the week it is and at the same time every week he's waiting at the top of the tank for it. Its his, no-one elses!!!!
wash the apple to get rid of pesticides,
cut it in to thin slices and float in your tank,
then leave it for a day, what remains take out to prevent decay.

Would that include skin?Also do most types of fish like apple? Just that my mrs keeps buying them and I never eat them, so I may as well make the most of them :good:

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