Fruit and Veg For Fish


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Most Fish Like to have greens in their diet.

What have you tried and what has been liked.

Cucumber = YES YES YES

Courgette = NO

Mango(Skins)= YES YES YES

Shelled Cooked Peas = YES YES

Lettuce = YES/NO

Brown Banana = YES YES YES
Zuchini- Yes for my cichlids NO for everyone else

Romaine Lettuce- Yes for my cichlids NO for everyone else

Regular lettuce- NO for everyone

my cichlids are really the only ones that will eat "people" food.
My Plec loves courgettes!!! I heard Clown Loaches like banana, tried it, but they ignored it!!!!
When i kept goldies, they accepted shelled peas, spinach, zuchini. The spinach was kind of messy but they loved it.
Lettuce - totally ignored
Zuchinni - plecos liked it
Carrots - everyone loved it except the cories and plecos
Yams - totally ignored
I've tried cucumber and shelled peas, but the plec was the only one mildly interested in cucumber, and he gave it one or two chomps and was done.

but when i throw in an algae wafer it's a swordtail/plec/cory feeding frenzy! :D
a very small bit of apple, the minnow eat in the rest didn't even bother

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